
EarthCycles Calendar, 2023 version

The EarthCycles calendar shows...

  • The 365 days of the year and their weekday

  • The weeks of the year

  • Gregorian solar months (Jan, Feb, etc.)

  • Javanese solar and lunar months Javanese days (Indonesian Calendar)

  • The lunar month of the year according to the Islamic, Javanese and Korean calendars

  • Planetary orbits for the year Location of each planet on each Solstice and Equinox

  • Earth's perihelion and aphelion (distance from the sun)

  • Moon phase Moon apsidal procession (distance of the moon from the earth)

  • Super and micro moon The main celestial events of the year

Featured Earth Cycles for 2023:

  • The Artic Caribou migration cycle

  • Monarch butterfly migration cycle

  • Ruby-throated hummingbird migration cycle

  • Gray whale migration cycle

  • Canadian Goose migration cycle.

Last updated